deanna lynch textiles

Connecting Through Cloth

ThoughtsDeanna LynchComment

We are in the midst of a time when we cannot be together as we were. While we see our current situation as being impermanent, resisting the adjustment to it is not productive.

We serve ourselves (and each other) better when we open ourselves to connecting in new ways. Seems we became more dependent on the platforms we were familiar with already (Social Media) and expected this to fill those needs for connection.

Social media provides a vast resource to us - individuals can share resources and thoughts from miles away and our world expands exponentially.

We still have an innate desire to belong and feel connected as individuals though. We fear rejection from our circle, we fear getting things wrong, we fear being honest. We are limited in truly learning from each other when we depend on these 2D interactions to teach us.

It is in response to this difficulty that virtual Soul Mending Sessions came into being. It is a space for learning, a space for being together, a space for getting messy and asking difficult questions, a space to connect deeper, a space to share our love for textiles.

Textiles are a soft, comforting, accessible springboard to all kinds of conversation. Textiles have long been a means for political and social discourse; a way to commune and raise awareness, a way to raise money for a cause, a way to promote change.

Here is just one example of how we as individuals connect to our craft but also create connections that are more universal through that making - the video below is a conversation with artist Zipporah Camille Thompson, artist Diedrick Brackens, and curator TK Smith from June 19, 2019, at the Clark Atlanta Art Museum in Atlanta, Georgia on the occasion of the Looming Chaos exhibtion on view at the Zuckerman Museum of Art, January 25 through May 10, 2020.

With thread and needle in hand, we are with our thoughts. They move through us and into what we make. When we stitch in the company of others, we are together on our journey - remembering out loud, sharing stories and context for our lives and perspectives, appreciating our natural tendency to care and bring comfort to others.

Virtual Soul Mending Sessions began in July 2020. We met 3 times over Zoom during the month and I will continue to offer these meeting times as long as there is interest. If you want to join in on the conversation and camaraderie, please sign up!